Community bank aspires to embrace technology

领导 supports modernization initiative to fortify a foundation of success

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发现F&M储蓄银行与RSM作为他们的首选顾问开始了变革之旅. 该银行采用了改善客户体验的尖端技术解决方案, enhanced employee satisfaction and made the entire organization more efficient.

The bank didn't just adapt to their circumstances. 他们倾听客户的意见,并将反馈转化为对未来的新愿景.

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Just because a company is a century old doesn’t mean they’re stuck in the past

农民 & 招商储蓄银行&M) was established in 1925 in Iowa. 该银行在爱荷华州和明尼苏达州设有7家分行,员工约100人.

内特•邓恩 president and CEO of F&M, says the bank enjoyed steady growth over its history. 邓恩说,尽管F&然而,M的成功,是因为该银行在技术上并不先进.

“We've always been on the back edge of technology,” he says. “But if we're going to continue to grow and expand our market areas, we're going to need technology to do it.”

因此,该银行转向RSM US LLP整合新的系统和技术,以提高效率并提升整体客户体验.

Dunn says that from the start, RSM demonstrated a keen understanding of the bank's goals, offering a far-reaching solution that encompassed technology, 战略与文化. 他表示,RSM积极主动的沟通风格是该行决定与该公司合作的一个关键原因.

邓恩说:“与RSM的决策者进行一对一的接触是一个重要的决定因素. “Our choice wasn't just based on price. It was more ‘Who's going to be the best long-term fit for us? Who's going to have a team approach?’ Communication was really, really key.”


Lisa McQuillen, senior vice president and director of culture for F&M, 他说,RSM努力了解这家银行,以及它与其他金融机构的运作方式.

“在早期, RSM与大约30名团队成员坐下来了解他们每天的工作,她说。. “Just being live and in person, you develop a relationship. RSM took a lot of time to listen and ask questions.”

McQuillen says RSM evaluated the bank’s processes and procedures, which helped F&M评估产品, services and systems that needed to be upgraded to improve the client experience. 分析表明,银行的过时技术对团队成员的效率产生了负面影响. 此外,F&M的客户希望获得比目前更现代化的银行服务体验.

除了更新银行的系统,RSM的首要目标之一是帮助F&M develop consistent processes throughout the organization; each branch had different procedures, and many of these individualistic quirks were inefficient.


作为技术改革的一部分,RSM将该银行与该公司的fit即服务平台结合起来. 将FIT(金融机构技术)作为服务提供意味着银行接收到托管的IT服务, cloud environment maintenance, regulatory compliance oversight and more, 一体包装. RSM became the bank's outsourced IT provider, offering a virtual chief information officer and supporting F&M’s internal network infrastructure. 这允许F&专注于他们的核心业务,而不是分配内部vwin娱乐场官方来处理IT问题.

Deb虫, assistant vice president of F&M, 他说,RSM帮助银行的团队成员了解了技术如何改善客户体验.

“Until RSM walked me through things, I didn't understand what an intricate role technology plays,虫子说. “更好的技术不仅有助于我们的运营,还有助于我们更好地为客户提供真正的服务.”


Dunn says that the full impact of RSM’s work is yet to come. 他说F&M正在利用RSM关系来改进技术并提高员工的技能.

“When our people are trained up and fully ready to go, 我们将拥有技术和支持来产生巨大的影响,并继续以我们近100年来的方式发展,邓恩说. 

Our board and our team are very thankful and blessed to work with RSM, and we look forward to a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. 我强烈推荐RSM,因为我们被对待的方式,因为他们为我们设定的轨迹.
内特•邓恩 总裁兼首席执行官F&M银行

Part of that training is helping F&M’s employees find more fulfillment in their roles. Because RSM handles the bank’s IT infrastructure, F&M员工从来不会被要求去解决他们没有受过培训或没有经验的问题. So they can focus on high-value tasks that further their careers. This is crucial in the tight labor market, where institutions are struggling to attract and retain talent. F&M has leveraged RSM’s outsourcing capabilities, using the firm to handle a wide variety of day-to-day issues.

McQuillen也认为,RSM的努力帮助世行为未来的成功奠定了基础. 她说,RSM帮助世行团队成员专注于持久的解决方案,而不是权宜之计.

“在过去, we often picked an idea to fix the immediate problem, 但现在, 我们更有可能从战略上思考,并真正通过一个过程来vwin娱乐场官方最好的答案,麦奎伦说. “这真的是一段旅程. And as we evolve as a bank, we always have to be in front of what makes that client experience significant. 我们将一直寻找提高效率和增强客户体验的方法,以便我们能够成长.”


在提供托管IT服务三年之后,RSM在银行中建立了强大的信誉. This was important when the bank launched what Dunn calls Project Vision, 一项旨在提高客户体验和内部运营的全面举措.

Project Vision的目标是弥合银行技术基础设施的差距, 实现平台间的无缝通信,优化用户体验. Because of their positive experiences with RSM’s technology team, 银行领导人求助于该公司的管理咨询团队,以协助实现“项目愿景”.

沃姆认为,世行与RSM的关系是富有成效的,而且是建立在长期基础上的. 她说,RSM努力开发的解决方案不仅能改善特定的功能, but help the entire organization.


We value RSM because they’re going to do what they do best, 这有助于我们理解技术如何适应我们的战略目标. And that allows us to do what we do best, and that’s banking.
Deb虫, Assistant vice president, F&M银行

该银行对技术驱动型创新的承诺不仅提高了客户参与度, but also positioned them as a competitive player in the banking landscape. 邓恩说,F&M’s enhanced and technologically advanced services, combined with a strong team culture, 会帮助银行继续有机增长,并在中西部地区进一步扩张吗. But Dunn says it is not all about the technology.

“Our relationship with RSM has just flourished over the past three years, and the communication has been wonderful,邓恩说. “在幕后,RSM为我们提供了出色的支持,使我们的IT团队能够制定战略和执行. Our relationship is based on great communication, which gives us comfort. It allows me to sleep at night knowing that we've got the RSM team behind us.”
