Engineering firm expands its IT capabilities

管理服务 help an organization tap into powerful resources


RSM helps an engineering firm overcome its technology challenges.

An engineering firm was growing quickly. But its tech capabilities couldn’t keep up. RSM’s managed services team stepped in to provide solutions.

管理服务 Managed cloud and IT 云服务
IT基础设施 Labor and workforce Managed IT services Professional services

Back in 2017, when the employees of Raba Kistner Inc. 遇到了信息技术问题,他们就去找他们的网络经理斯科特·里珀. And when Ripper needed assistance, he went to… well, nobody.

“有一段时间,只有我的主管和我为500多人处理信息技术,”里珀说. “And then my supervisor left the company.”

而不是因为他现在是一个由数百人组成的一人IT部门而不知所措, Ripper和Raba Kistner的管理层看到了一个引入新vwin娱乐场官方并重新评估组织需求的机会. Raba Kistner管理层认为,托管服务方法将有助于解决公司的IT问题,同时为增长建立强大的技术基础.


成立于1968年, Raba Kistner是一家工程咨询和项目管理公司,专注于解决行业内的关键风险领域. 该公司目前正在与RSM US LLP合作,以满足其税务和审计需求. With a strong professional relationship in place, and RSM’s experience serving engineering consulting firms, 对于Raba Kistner来说,在it问题上向RSM寻求帮助是很自然的.

最初, RSM管理的服务团队为Raba Kistner提供了一名临时首席信息官. RSM then created a technology road map for the organization. 这张路线图强调了可能改进的地方,并证实了开膛手的担忧.

“Our network at that point was way out of date,” says Ripper. “We were five years behind where we needed to be.”

So RSM set out to upgrade Raba Kistner’s systems. This involved overhauling the company’s network, 加强网络安全,将组织的所有服务器迁移到云端. Ripper说每个参与的人都知道这将是一个长期的项目.

里珀说:“我们把所有的东西都分解成碎片,然后继续前进. “It was fun, and sometimes a little frustrating. But RSM came in and said, ‘This is what you do.’ And that was a big help and took a lot of the intimidation out of it.”

我们对RSM有一定程度的信心,可以找出如何解决问题或及时提出替代方案, where before it might have taken us months to achieve.
斯科特•开膛手 Network manager, Raba Kistner Inc.


Ripper很高兴我们的合作有了一个良好的开端,不仅仅是在技术改进方面, but with regard to the speed of implementation. 例如,RSM承担了Raba Kistner的云环境管理. 为此,该公司首先必须将大量数据传输到云端.

“移动数据——大约13或14太字节——的时间框架将是16周,”里珀说. “We did it in a month.”

Of course, it wasn’t just about speed. RSM必须了解Raba Kistner的企业vwin娱乐场官方规划(ERP)平台的复杂性,以及它如何与其他技术交互. 任何更改或增强都必须考虑到ERP平台的功能. Ripper强调,Raba Kistner对在vwin娱乐场官方上有良好记录的成熟技术感兴趣, 任何解决方案的实施都必须不影响公司的业务能力. Ripper说,RSM克服了这些挑战,建立了一个更复杂的IT框架.

“RSM offered us a resource that we never had before,” says Ripper. “Previously, it was just us trying to find the fix via the web. So to have a large group of professionals say, ‘嘿, we’re proficient in that field,’ and to help us solve the problem has been a godsend.”


Because improving an organization’s IT functions is a never-ending job, RSM将继续与Raba Kistner合作,迎接未来的挑战. Ripper说,公司的增长计划需要一个强大的IT系统, 反过来, will necessitate a close working relationship with RSM.

“RSM will continue to be utilized going forward,” Ripper says. “There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it. Because there’s going to be projects that we need their help with.”

In Ripper’s opinion, Raba Kistner’s IT platform is getting stronger every day, 他认为,公司与云的全面整合为功能和应用开辟了新的可能性. 他说,最终用户尤其会从RSM实施的改进中受益.

“The end user is going to love it,” Ripper says. “我们对RSM有一定的信心,能够vwin娱乐场官方解决问题的方法,或者及时提出替代方案, where before it might have taken us months to achieve.”


Ripper is no longer the entire IT department for his organization. 他现在领导着一个小型的内部团队,与RSM的管理服务专业人员配合得很好. 这两个群体就目标和下一阶段的接触保持着持续的沟通.

“我觉得我没有一周不跟RSM说,‘这个怎么样?’ or ‘What do we do in this scenario?’”里珀说. “我们专注于这个产品或应用程序可以做些什么,让它按照我们想要的方式运行.”

Ripper says that RSM has alleviated the pressure on his IT team, 结果就是, the day-to-day functioning of the department has improved. 他补充说,Raba Kistner的工作人员认为,他们可以向RSM提出问题或担忧, as well as inquire about technological innovations, 因为托管服务团队具有作为有效顾问的服务经验和广度. Ripper says that because of this collaborative environment, RSM已成为教育Raba Kistner员工了解尖端技术和IT世界细微差别的重要vwin娱乐场官方.

里珀说:“当我的团队学到新东西时,他们会非常开心,而且会感到兴奋。. “Every one of them loves RSM. Working with them has made our job easier.”




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